Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents


Yosys is a Free and Open Source Verilog HDL synthesis tool. It was designed to be highly extensible and multiplatform. In SymbiFlow toolchain, it is responsible for the whole synthesis process described in FPGA Design Flow

It is not necessary to call Yosys directly using the SymbiFlow toolchain. Nevertheless, the following description, should provide sufficient introduction to Yosys usage inside the project. It is also a good starting point for a deeper understanding of the whole Toolchain.

Short description

Yosys consists of several subsystems. Most distinguishable are the first and last one used in the synthesis process, called respectively frontend and backend. Intermediate subsystems are called passes.

The frontend is responsible for changing the Verilog input file into internal Yosys, representation which is common for all passes used by the program. The passes are responsible for variety of optimizations (opt_) and simplifications (proc_).

Two passes, that are worth to mention separately are ABC and techmap. The first one optimizes logic functions from the design and assigns obtained results into Look Up Tables (LUTs) of chosen width. The second mentioned pass - techmap is responsible for mapping the synthesized design from Yosys internal blocks to that located on FPGA chip including i.e. RAM, DSP and LUTs. Recommended synthesis flows for different FPGAs are combined into macros i.e. synth_ice40 (for Lattice iCE40 FPGA) or synth_xilinx (for Xilinx 7-series FPGAs).

The backend on the other hand, is responsible for converting internal Yosys representation into one of the standardized formats. Symbiflow uses .eblif as its output file format.

Usage in Toolchain

All operations performed by Yosys are written in .tcl script. Commands used in the scripts are responsible for preparing output file to match with the expectations of other toolchain tools. There is no need to change it even for big designs. Example of configuration script can be found below:

yosys -import

synth_ice40 -nocarry

opt_expr -undriven

setundef -zero -params
write_blif -attr -cname -param $::env(OUT_EBLIF)
write_verilog $::env(OUT_SYNTH_V)

It can be seen that this script perform a platform-specific process of synthesis, some optimization steps (opt_ commands), and writes the final file in .eblif and Verilog formats. Yosys synthesis configuration scripts are platform-specific and can by found in <platform-dir>/yosys/synth.tcl in Symbiflow Architecture Definitions repository.

To understand performed operations it is worth to look at log file. Usually it is generated in the project build directory. It should be named top.eblif.log.

Output analysis

Input file:

module top (
    input  clk,
    output LD7,
    localparam BITS = 1;
    localparam LOG2DELAY = 25;

    reg [BITS+LOG2DELAY-1:0] counter = 0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
            counter <= counter + 1;

    assign {LD7} = counter >> LOG2DELAY;

after synthesis is described only with use of primitives appropriate for chosen platform:

module top(clk, LD7);
  wire [25:0] _000_;
  wire _001_;


  ) _073_ (


  SR_GND _150_ (
  assign _003_[25:0] = _000_;
  assign counter[25] = LD7;

The same structure is described by the .eblif file.

More information

Additional information about Yosys can be found on the Yosys Project Website , or in Yosys Manual. You can also compile one of the tests described in Getting Started section and watch the log file to understand which operations are performed by Yosys.